The Baglioni Luna Hotel hosted the XXI edition of the event.
The XXI edition of the Excellence Award, a format created by Dr. Anita Lo Mastro, Senior International Advisor of Excellence Magazine, was celebrated in the evocative setting of the Baglioni Luna Hotel, in the heart of Venice.
The gala Sponsored by the Institute of Foreign Trade, the City of Venice, the M9, the Ava Italian hoteliers association and the Atlantic Committee of the Consulate of Uruguay and the Consulate of Ukraine, also celebrated the prestigious Excellence Award conceived with the support of Dr. Silvia Armeni CEO of Armeni GES, presented by Rai journalist Camilla Nata, awarded to personalities who have distinguished themselves with excellence in the reference sectors.

Notable honorees include: the President of the Venice City Council Ermelinda Damiano, the President of Coldiretti Andrea Colla, the award-winning pop orchestra conductor and violinist Andrea Di Cesare who honored those present with two exceptional musical performances, the president of the Atlantic Committee Fabrizio W. Lucciolli and the ex Consul of Ukraine for the three Venices Marco Toson.
Among the partners and sponsors illustrious guests: the Quaestor of Venice Maurizio Masciopinto, the surgeon Maurizio D’Aquino, the President of M9 Tommaso Santini, the CEO of AvA, Claudio Scarpa, the deputy mayor Andrea Tomaello, Professor Mongello, partner of Tonucci & Partners, the President and founder of Bss, Dr. Franco Commini, the CEO of INM & Partners, engineer Mauro Nicoletti, as well as companies and several exponents of the institutional, diplomatic and entrepreneurial sector.
The evening ended with the usual cutting of the Excellence Baglioni Hotel cake and a toast with bubbles from Partner Girardi, we remind you that the hosts Anita Lo Mastro and the Rai journalist Camilla Nata were dressed in the magnificent dresses created by Maestro Nicolao , an expression of excellent Venetian craftsmanship, and wore the precious jewels of Zarina, both partners of Excellence Magazine.