International Excellence Diga Golf Gala Dinner

L’evento giunto alla XVII esima edizione è patrocinato da Simest gruppo Cassa Depositi e Prestiti, da ENAV, INVITALIA, Federalberghi, Fiera di Roma, FiNCALABRA, Cluster Lombardo, AIOP e dalla Fondazione Sanità Futura

Last January in the evocative setting of the Regina Baglioni Hotels in Via Veneto in Rome, the Excellence International Gala Dinner conceived by Dr. Anita Lo Mastro for Excellence Magazine, in partnership with the Diga Golf (association of golf diplomats), took place for the promotion and the internationalization of Italian excellence.

dott. Cianfoni, Presidente Diga Golf dott. Stocchi, Anita Lo Mastro, Ceo Baglioni Hotel e Resort dott. Polito

The event, now in its 17th edition, is sponsored by Simest Cassa Depositi e Prestiti group, by ENAV, INVITALIA, Federalberghi, Fiera di Roma, FiNCALABRA, Cluster Lombardo, AIOP and the Fondazione Sanità Futura.

dott. Stocchi Presidente DIGA Golf, Signora Roscioli, Anita Lo Mastro, dott. Roscioli, presidente di Federalberghi Roma e il Ceo di Baglioni Hotels e Resort dott. Polito

Numerous personalities from the world of economics participated in the event including:

the CEO of Simest, Dr. Mauro Alfonso, the president of Federalberghi Rome, Dr. Giuseppe Roscioli, the CEO of Baglioni Hotels Dr. Guido Polito, the President of ENAV, lawyer Francesca Isgrò, the President of Fincalabra, Alessandro Zanfino, the president of the Golf Dam, doctor Antonio Stocchi.

Ceo Baglioni Hotel e Resort dott. Polito, Anita Lo Mastro, Ceo Simest dott. Mauro Alfonso

The evening hosted by the journalist Camilla Nata took place with the usual presentation of the latest issue of Excellence Magazine Luxury, of its Partners and sponsors which was awarded the Excellence Awards (dedicated to people who have contributed to promoting and supporting the internationalization and the promotion of Made in Italy) with the precious support of Dr. Silvia Armeni, CEO of Armeniges.

The gala ended with the usual toast with the bubbles of the Girardi Cellars and the cutting of the Cake Excellence -Diga -Baglioni Hotels.

Avv. Isgro presidente di ENAV, Anita Lo Mastro, dott. Polito Ceo Baglioni Hotels e Resort
Elisa Interlandi, Anita Lo Mastro, M. Zanfino
Polito, Mauro Alfonso, Camilla Nata, Stocchi e Camilla Nata
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Last January in the evocative setting of the Regina Baglioni Hotels in Via

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